Excellent seal of the product preventing contamination.
Good view of the product.
Attractive and unique design.
Easy to handle and open.
Absorbent pad to control humidity inside package.
Strong shape that can withstand stacking.
Light weight and Recyclable.
Product visibility.
German machinery and material.
Shrink Wrap
Excellent seal of the product preventing contamination.
Provides a good feel of the product for the customer.
Light weight and recyclable.
Attractive and unique design.
Easy to handle and open.
Eliminates liquid spills occurring in cling wrap packaging.
Preserves product for up to 14 days, Qatari regulation only 6 days.
Absorbent pad to control humidity inside package.
Product visibility.
German machinery and material.
Abu Samra Highway
Behind Abu Nakhla Petrol Station
800 4499
+974 4432 0121
©2018 by Mazzraty.